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Protege Earth-691 Marvel Comics
Name: Protege
Aliases: The Messiah

Living God

Base of Operations: Unrevealed
Birthday: Unknown
Age: Around 16 years old
Occupation: Messiah
Religion: Unknown
Affiliation: Universal Church of Truth
Sexuality: Unrevealed
Education: Home Schooled
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Place of Death: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Family: None
Marital Status: Single
Citizenship: Unrevealed
Identity: Secret Identity
Origin: Unrevealed
Universe: Earth-691
Creator(s): Jim Valentino
First Appearance Last Appearance
Guardians of the Galaxy No.15 (1991) Guardians of the Galaxy No.50 (1994)


Protege was an artificially made human who was a resident of the alternate future/reality known as the 31st Century, or by its proclaimed reality number Earth-691. It was prophesied that he was to be the "Living God" of the Universal Church of Truth. Years before the Church were in search of their god which was unsuccessful, they eventually decided to create him themselves. Using a combination of selective breeding, genetic manipulation, various chemicals and drugs, sciences and arcane magicks gathered from the worlds in their dominion, they finally managed to create him.

And were using him to be the Godhead of their faith, eventually, Protege was raised as a God, his every whim was taken as divine dictate. When he reached a certain age, a contest was announced to decide his Matriarch, she who would tutor him in the correct use of his power. The contest would also expose him to a range of powers that he could observe and mimic.

After observing the powers of many beings he managed to copy their universe version of the Guardians of the Galaxy, which they were aware of the threat Protege was to them and others.


Protege was created and was taught to be raised as a God with this he help developed a God complex thinking that he was an actual God but in reality he wasn't this serves him as he shown to be completely ignorant,arrogant, and self-centered.

But in certain situations he can observe his surroundings and his whole persona would change from childish to serious in seconds.


Protege appearance is of a young child dressed as if he was an ancient egyptian god with a long cloak that is similarlity that of stars itself.


Protege major known weakness is when blinding him since he needs to visually see his opponents to actually copy their powers and abilities as shown when Scathan the Approver had used a Cosmic Muffle that rendered Protege Immobile and was absorbed by the Living Tribunal without hesitation due to just how Powerful he was and is.

Another weakness is that Protege can't copy powers of Robotic entities, only from Natural beings, even then this likely wouldn't count when absorbing the living tribunal and the other cosmics powers.

Powers and Abilities

  • Omni-Mimicry: Protege has the unlimited capacity to copy powers that he visually sees displayed, and can activate them and learn about them in only a few seconds, as stated he can Permanently obtain the powers he wields and knows how to use them without being taught.
    • Nigh-Omnipotence: Protege after copying nearly all of the The Living Tribunal power he wielded Near-Omnipotence with the combined powers of Eternity and Beyonder he is still not equal to or even close to The-One-Above-All in power, but he has shown numerous amounts of different powers such as Cosmic Energy blasts,Size Manipulation,Flight,Shapeshifting,Teleportation,Fire Manipulation, Reality Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Space Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Magic Manipulation,Flight, Levitation, Cosmic Awareness, and other such powers and abilities.


  • It is unknown if Protege was ever released from the prison that he was absorbed into by the Living Tribunal after the death of the living tribunal.
  • Protege is often mislabeled as a Female when in fact he is a Male.
  • Protege means "a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person." As shown when Earth-691 Beyonder for a brief moment had been teaching Protege lessons about what true power was.

